Brida: the search for your soul

   As with the other novels by Paulo Coelho that I have read, “Brida” was also of a deeper theme: discovering, and getting to know, your soul through love. Coelho does this in an indirect way, however; through the character of a 21-year-old woman named Brida.

   Brida has quite a good life. She lives in Ireland, goes to university, works as a secretary, and has a boyfriend named Lorens, but feels there is more to life, and wants to find out what it is. She begins dabbling in magic, and seeks guidance from two teachers, the Magus and Wicca.

   The Magus at once knows that Brida is his soul mate, and so sends her to a different teacher, Wicca, until Brida will be able to discover that he, too, is her soul mate.

   Brida goes through the different lessons, does what she has to do, and Wicca discovers that she is a quick learner and meant to be a witch. Brida can’t forget the Magus, however, and returns one night to thank him for all he did for her. It is then that she realizes that he is her soul mate.

   Not forgetting that one soul can have many different soul mates over a lifetime, Brida leaves telling herself that is meant to be with Lorens, too. Her struggle to choose seems absolutely irrelevant, and Brida continues in preparation for her initiation as a witch.

   The Magus gives her some advice, saying: “‘Never be ashamed…Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.’ ‘How will I know which is which?’ ‘By the taste. You can only know a good wine if you have first tasted a bad one.’”

   The choice Brida does eventually make will change her life forever.

   Coelho’s novel is more complex than what is seen on the surface, and “Brida” will require another reading, just as Coelho’s other novels, especially “The Alchemist,” did.

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