What I’ve Been reading Lately…/Lo Que He Leído Recientemente

“Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of my Hasidic Roots,” Deborah Feldman

   "Unorthodox" is a memoir written by the author describing her life in the Jewish Hasidic community of New York and her eventual escape from what she considered a stifling, backwards community that gives all the power to the men and severely restricts the women. ‘How to broaden my mind in a world that is so narrow, both inside and out?’ she questions as she explores the outside world and debates the best place in which to raise her son. ‘I want to be free–physically, yes, but free in every way, free to acknowledge myself for who I am, free to present my true face to the world,’ she decides. She is a powerful example of a woman who is forcefully rejecting the abject patriarchy that surrounds us all, and should be applauded for her efforts.


   "Unorthodox" es una memoria escrita por la autora que describe su vida en la comunidad en Nueva York de los judíos [hasidics] y su fuga eventual de lo que consideró una comunidad sofocante y retraído que da todo el poder a los hombres y severamente restringe las mujeres. ‘How to broaden my mind in a world that is so narrow, both inside and out?’ pregunta ella como explora el mundo exterior y debate el mejor lugar donde criar a su hijo. ‘I want to be free–physically, yes, but free in every way, free to acknowledge myself for who I am, free to present my true face to the world,’ decide ella. Es un ejemplo poderoso de una mujer la que está rechezando contundentemente el patriarcado abyecto que nos rodea todos, y debe estar aplaudido por sus esfuerzos.

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking,” Susan Cain

   I was looking forward to reading this book very much because I consider myself an introvert 100%–I would much rather read a book than socialize, or stay at home and relax rather than go to a party and meet new people. But my initial reaction was one of disappoint. Her observations are extremely basic and didn’t come as a surprise to me at all. As a matter of fact, I felt like I innately knew the large majority of what she was talking about, but maybe that was just because I am, at heart, an introvert. Her tenet is that introverts are widely unappreciated not only in the workforce but also in daily personal life, and our [toxic] society only encourages the traits that extroverts stereotypically embody, and this is a huge mistake that already has had and will have detrimental consequences. 


   Estaba muy emocionada para leer este libro porque me considero una introvertida completamente–me gustaría más leer un libro que socializar, o quedarme en casa y relajar que ir a una fiesta y conocer nueva gente. Pero mi reacción inicial fue una de decepción. Sus observaciones son muy básicos y no me sorpresaron de ningún modo. De hecho, sentí como de manera innata sabía la mayoría de que estaba hablando ella, pero quizas es debido al hecho que soy una introvertida, en el fondo. Su hipótesis es que los introvertidos son poco apreciados extensamente no solo en la fuerza de trabajo sino también en el rutino diario, y nuestra sociedad [tóxica] solo fomenta los atributos que los extrovertidos encarnan estereotípicamente, y esto es un error grandísimo que ya he tenido y tendrá las consecuencias perjudiciales.

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