Day trip: El Pozo Azul de Covanera + Orbaneja del Castillo


Finding ourselves with a day off and nothing to do, my husband and I were in the mood for a swim and researched some natural swimming pools to visit.

First we went to the town of Covanera in Burgos province, to what is called the ‘Pozo Azul,’ or quite literally, the blue well. It houses the largest cave in all of Europe, but from outside all you can see is a small basin with crystal clear water tucked into the mountainside. There are also cliffs about ten feet up, from which you can dive into, which made for an exhilarating visit. (I jumped three times, my husband twice!)


We then continued on to the nearby town of Orbaneja del Castillo, about 10 kilometers away, which has towering waterfalls and a cave which leads to the source of them. It was a beautiful day and there were tons of tourists! You can also drink the refreshing water straight from the mountain from the numerous drinking fountains around town.


All around us we were surrounded by beautiful mountains and scenery. All in all it was about a 7 hour trip, and we got home tired and content, and woke up the next day with muscle cramps from climbing steps up the mountains.


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