3,000 classes with VIPKID: Only gratitude

This post is mainly about gratitude. We all know it’s super important to practice gratitude, but it’s something that for me, slips through the cracks of my daily life, and by the time I remember to do it, days have passed since the last time I spent a few minutes meditating on all the things I have to be grateful for.

So I’m going to use teaching my 3,000th class for VIPKID as an excuse to dedicate this post to feeling grateful for VIPKID, and working online, from home in general—it is what enables me to live my best life, day in and day out. I honestly never thought I could be so happy and content with a job; the thought of working every day was something that used to make me feel depressed! Which is why I feel so much gratitude for VIPKID. They opened the door to the way I want to work and live for the rest of my life.
Working online, from home gives me the flexibility I want to travel—whenever I want. Like going to Japan for the next two weeks with my husband for our honeymoon! More to come on that later, of course. 😉
I’m also terrible at waking up early…but no seriously. A couple years ago I moved apartments to be closer to the school I was working at just so my 15-minute walk every morning would be cut down to 1 minute. Yep, that terrible. And now I just have to walk to my living room. Wearing comfortable clothes (hello, no bra!) is the icing on the cake.

And all of this is not even to mention the kids, whom I adore. There’s always a few who make the job difficult, but the large majority are so sweet and loving that I want to go to China someday just to meet them! Part of why I moved to Spain in the first place (besides feeling a strong aversion to the work-obsessed, toxic culture that many in the U.S. experience) was to experience other cultures and know how people in faraway places live. And VIPKID definitely checks that off the list. From seeing their toys and bedrooms and homes, to clueless dads walking around in their whitey tighteys (happens more often than you would think) and grandpas snoring away next to them on the couch, online teachers see it all, and I love every second of it.
VIPKID is the cream of the crop, the best online teaching company to come out of China yet, and if this all sounds braggy…well, yes I guess it is. But gratitude and bragging seem to share a fine line on this occasion. So in honor of my 3,000th class, I want to send a mental note of thanks to VIPKID, and I’m hoping to teach 3,000 more—at the very least.

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